
April 18th, 2010

09:33 pm - 18.04.10

Well... today I was preparing for my last English test this semester. But I really wanted to tell about these two movies I saw. First one was about world that was destroyed and the very last people who were left in it. It was really sad, but very good. "Do you carry the fire inside? Do you?" It is called The road.

The other movie - Into the wild. It was brilliant and inspiring! "If you really want something, just go for it!" It definitely goes to my favorite movie list.

No matter what, just go for it, even if it kills you in process, it is better than doing nothing.

Bare en person som risikerer er fri.

11:40 pm - Summer challenge

Vasara nemaz nav vairs tik tālu ja tā padomā. Man jau sen bija tāda ideja par iešanu gar jūras krastu. Tagad man ir neizsakāma vēlme to piepildīt. Jautājums tikai kad, kā un vai es savam challenge varēšu atrast kādu kompanjonu, jo tas pilnīgi noteikti nav paveicams esot pavisam vienam. Patiesībā jau ir, bet drošības apsvērumu dēļ,jo nekad nevar zināt, kas var notikties. Daudz visa kā jāizplāno un jāizdomā.
Yes, I definitely want to do this.
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