What's boring, according to Tim Bray:
So, what do you think about when you think about Sun? Computers, networks, operating systems... and Java. There's the problem, because Java is boring. Java is the safe choice. Java is COBOL. You won't get fired for choosing Java. Banks use Java. Telephone companies use Java. CIOs like Java...it's not exciting. J2EE isn't either. EJBs aren't either. Generics and autoboxing and variable-length argument lists are good things, but they’re not exciting. What's not boring:What's Not Boring? Cellphones aren't boring (of all the J2*E's, I like one with 'M' the best). Open Source isn't boring. Dynamic languages aren't boring. Web services and SOA aren’t boring, but we may have to destroy that village in order to save it. High-level support for CMT/TLP isn't boring. Extreme Programming and Agile Development and Test-Driven Development aren't boring. Ajax isn't boring. Distributed applications based on RSS/Atom syndication aren’t boring. UBL isn’t boring.
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