26. Feb 2011 00:01 a letter to my one and only my dearest, i have had no news from you still, but i'm writing to say i'm waiting. don't think that i've done nothing to find you because that would not be true. but i'm still all by myself here. are you there? i keep thinking why we are not together this very moment. were you on that bus i missed two weeks ago at the central station? i thought you might be because it is the most convenient afternoon route out of the center and you probably work there. or were you the fuzzy figure on the bridge that i saw on my way home yesterday? i know you can take great pictures from there, especially in the early winter evenings, and you might want to do photography, it's such a great hobby. you might have been the lawyer i refused to meet because my concerns resolved, or the loud student at the party next door, or the one colleague i never spoke to at my last workplace. how could i have missed you? maybe i should just stand on the busiest street and not move - that way you will have to walk past me one day. or should i travel the world to catch up with you in a rainforest counting monkeys? i'm at a loss here, help me out, will you. love, your one and only ir doma  |