Cirmuļa atklāsmes - 20. Februāris 2009

20. Feb 2009 09:27 it is one of my most miserable experiences probably, when i feel that something isn't working out, i start feeling totally dumb, i blame the entire problem on my stupidity, get ready to buy my way out in a most expensive way, and then after a thorough troubleshooting i discover that i actually had the best solution available already and it was all screwed up by a tiny idiotic mistake i made when upgrading my router. moral: you ARE lucky. you just don't know that you are. ir doma | |

20. Feb 2009 10:41 man ir dažas radikālas domas. tās radās, apcerot ES finansējuma dabūšanas iespējas. tagad es atbalstu to maniaku Nīči, jo, rupjš gan būdams, viņš tomēr piedāvāja labus risinājumus pasaules problēmām. ir doma | |

20. Feb 2009 11:58 man liekas, vārds "Digorijs" ļoti labi skan. ir doma | |

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