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Cirmuļa atklāsmes - 19. Decembris 2007

19. Dec 2007 11:41

atkal visi ziemassvētku sagatavošanās pasākumi ir sabraukuši čupā pēdējā brīdī,
nezinu, kā visu paspēt.
varbūt nepaspēt?
aizmukt uz.. uz Meksiku?
mums gan padārgi sanāk šitāda mukšana - būtu Teksasa, tad gan bez problēmām...

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19. Dec 2007 15:45

when I was
with you

and I cried
and I cried
and I cried
and I cried
and I cried
and I tore my heart open

and I cursed
and I cursed
and I cursed
and I cursed
and I cursed
and I got all my soul broken,

and still,
however lost in you I have been feeling,
and even if we're still not through,
and minding all the hate we're breeding,
the one thing missing isn't you

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