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Cirmuļa atklāsmes - 20. Novembris 2006

20. Nov 2006 13:50 the Extent of the Matter

he turned to the wall and started explaining how important it was for him to go to the meeting, that the other members wouldn't understand it if he missed it, that he had his obligations elsewhere, too, that he had to have some private life - he told all of the things that on another day he wouldn't have dared to pronounce or even to let his mind wander into that territory.
and finally, after twenty minutes of heated discussion, the wall seemed to realize his situation and let him take the rest of the day free.

ir doma

20. Nov 2006 14:54

visu laiku galvā skan - kā no sazin kādām svešpasaules dzīlēm:

muestrame... muestrame... muestrame...

es arī saku: tu vari uzticēt man savu noslēpumu, tu vari man uzticēt visus savus noslēpumus - es nevienam neteikšu, es ne ar vienu nerunāju.

bet tad saprotu pats - es arī nevienam neteiktu.
kas pateikts, ir jau pa pusei zudis.
un dažreiz visas mocības tomēr gribas paturēt - kaut vai tikai tāpēc, ka tās vienīgās atgādina par laimi.

ir doma

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