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Cirmuļa atklāsmes - 22. Februāris 2005

22. Feb 2005 13:52

I am a cold star out in the universe
a star whose light that is seen on the Earth
is extinct for millions of years
million years have passed since my birth
so I don't care what people think
I am too far
I am a cold black star

I wear sleeves as long as for millions of hearts
but my robe's covered only with fractures
of love that's collided with me
shameful to show any warmth
I wear heart as black as a cold dead star
and I wear it for no one to see
all the joy I feel is deceiving

I listen to music that it sooths my mind
long forgotten the signs and the meanings
of its dreamings
and worries so endless and senseless
deteriorated, unfeeling
my heart will never be free

all the happiness inside of me
I must forget
as if I'd never seen it

so I tell myself
and refuse to believe it

Garastāvoklis:: gay

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