munjlait | 7. Apr 2005 12:35 ... in the events around me more and more often I catch a glimpse of the life I would like to have, but never a full kit, and the crumbs of the vision leave a warm throbbing feeling deep inside of me, somewhere around liver, they keep me distracted disordered and disaffected until they disappear and I remain in silence and chill ...
... I am thinking about spending some five years of my life on building one of the possible variants of my living. Five years. Is that a lot? Look at my face, I tell the darkening reflection in the mirror, look at it, it is young, but that is about to change soon; five years you say?, five years IS soon. Did you have other expectations for spending your youth? ...
... people expect of us to do things, and we expect of us to be able to fulfil or reject these expectations - this is, I recon, the fatal error on our way to freedom ...
... isn't it silly how we all struggle to live - as if there was anything more than the nearly century of time at our disposal; how we build carrieres, build families, build states, build economies... so much construction and so little time for the individual to enjoy the building, how come we all serve so unanymously to the collective memory? i am confused ...
... some people taste like coffee. some people taste like milk. some people taste like shame. people show up in your life and then walk out and away and all you have left is the infallible association of their essence - the taste; you can always tell the person by the taste, it reveals all secrets, all peculiarities, all that you do and do not need to know about them. My Coffeeman is brown-eyed and likes cold. My Milkwoman has the loveliest facial expressions when she is confused. I can tell my Shameperson by the way they walk, they smell of city air and they like being familiar. I wonder what do I taste like ... Read Comments |