Emociju miskaste

Things I want to remember

14. Decembris 2012

Connect.Respect.Protect @ 21:53

Gear up for the last time - Connect.Respect.Protect.

Some people are helpless and need to be protected!

"I know this is hard. We're split up. We don't know, what we're walking into. But today is like any day - we walk through doors together, we're in each others ears and we got each other covered. And even though I'm not there with you, my hand is on your backs! Don't forget that!"

Viss ir labs, kas labi beidzas. Nav grūti aiziet, ja klājas slikti. Daudz grūtāk ir aiziet, kad esi augstākajā punktā. Šoreiz tā ir vispareizāk, apstāties, esot virsotnē... Mēs to novērtējam. Novertējam ieguldīto darbu, milzīgo profesionalitāti, perfekciju un sirdi! You did your best and it's all that truly matters!

Thanks for those amazing 5 (my number) seasons, Flashpoint!!! I'll never forget you! :)

Keep the peace,




Emociju miskaste

Things I want to remember