Emociju miskaste

Things I want to remember

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Where the sky gets lonely aka Team One @ 22:46


Man trūkst vārdu, lai aprakstītu Flashpoint 3.sezonas pēdējo sēriju. Es zināju, ka būs smagi, tik un tā - ļoti, ļoti gaidīju!

Found song to characterize the whole Flashpoint thing

To walk this streets without you
I hate being on my own
So many souls around you
But it never feels like home
Home is where my heart is aching

Home is where there's no mistaking
All this space between us
Isn't going anywhere
But it's ok to be us
Cause your far from being here
Here is where the sky gets lonely
Here I dissappear

I'm a million miles from you
But if we hold on
Gotta hold on
I'm a million miles from you
But if we stay strong
I know we'll make it through

P.S. I'll be waiting your returning!

Always and forever yours,


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Emociju miskaste

Things I want to remember