Emociju miskaste

Things I want to remember

4. Maijs 2009

Drops of Jupiter in my hair... @ 19:50

Bija taču labi vai ne?! :) Bija ļoti labi. Vai kādreiz vēl ir bijis tā, ka emocionāli jūties labāk nekā fiziski??? Parasti taču ir otrādi, vai arī vienlīdz sūdīgi. Iespējams tas, pēc kā tik ļoti ilgojies, tev nemaz nav vajadzīgs.

Maybe this HAPPY ENDING doesn't include a wonderful guy.
Maybe it's you, on your own picking up the peaces and starting over.
Maybe the HAPPY ENDING...it's just moving on.
Maybe the HAPPY ENDING is that you never ever give up hope.



Emociju miskaste

Things I want to remember