Garastāvoklis:: good
Me not working hard?
Yeah, right! Picture that with a Kodak!
Or, better yet, go to Times Square,
Take a picture of me with a Kodak!
Took my life from negative to positive,
I just want y'all know that.
And tonight, let's enjoy life!!!
Pēdējās pāris nedēļās notikušais ir skaidrs pierādījums tam, ko es nesen tā pa īstam sapratu un pārliecinājos, ka tas ir reāli - tas, ka tā ir tagad vai bija pirms kāda laika, nenozīmē, ka tā būs vienmēr. Pienāks laiks, kad būs savādāk un ja paveiksies, tad būs labāk. Ticēju un vizualizēju... Ir labāk... Daudz labāk...
Kāpēc? Because I think I'm finally starting to be in the right place! And I like my new job! :)
And, guess what - Mama and Lulu has a old NEW friend. And we both now the lyrics, baby:
I got an old new car, It's nothing like! a Jaguar It has no leather seats, but it has a CD PLAYER, PLAYER, PLAYER!!! :)
You be super safe out there!
Mama, Lulu and Vector! :)
Saki, ko domā... nu saki taču...