Emociju miskaste

Things I want to remember

The sound of freedom @ 22:00

You say life is a battlefield, I say - BRING IT ON!!!

Today is the day I crossed the finish line. Today is the day I FINALLY crossed the finish line! Dropped that ridiculously heavy rocks from my chest and left them there... left forever! Can't believe I did it! Can't believe it's over. After five long years it's finally over and I can put it behind me and move on with my life! But before I do that, there are some things I need to make clear:

1. Lulu, thank you so much! I didn't do this alone! WE did it together, you had my back all the way... Girl, I'm so proud you made it!
2. A super special thank you to my best girls - Signe, Ludmila, Zandiņa, Baibiņa, Dačelīte and to my sister - E. I felt the love and support all the way!
3. Whoever you are - thank you for listening and answering my prayers! Thanks for the chance to prove that if you try really hard, miracles do happen!
4. Thank you, Emeli Sande! Your music made this miracle happen! :)
5. Tnx to KUWTK - all this nonsense made this time much easier!

Pieņemu, ka lielākajai daļai tas ir tikai papīrs... No vienas puses arī man, bet no otras... bāc, cik šī otra puse liela, tas ir daudz kas vairāk. Tie ir pieci, gari gadi. Tā ir aiziešana un atgriešanās. Saņemšanās un sevis pārvarēšana. Tā ir punkta pielikšana un vienas nodaļas pabeigšana. Tās ir beigas. TAS IR JAUNS SĀKUMS!

Keeping safe,



Emociju miskaste

Things I want to remember