Emociju miskaste

Things I want to remember

Died inside and I don't know - why??? @ 22:48

Stand up and never say never
Cause this life is gonna get better
Take a breath, shake it off and say
I'm on my way

This is the day I finally ended something that has been torturing me and my head for the last 2 years and even a little bit before that.
I could say that this thing was the reason for everything I have been through for the last 3,5 years.
Pirmā sajūta, izejot pa durvīm, tāds pilnīgs iekšējs tukšums... nekā vairs nav. Bet, protams, galvā domas par vērtējumu. Es varētu liegties un locīties, bet some thing simply never change, zinu, ka sniegums bija viduvējs, bet ar 4 nebūtu mierā un pārdzīvotu arī par 5,6 un 7. Guess what, I got 9! It was so unexpected! Vairāk par to ciparu priecājos, ka tas beidzot ir galā. Burtiski dzirdēju, kā tas smagums noveļas no dvēseles. Vieglāk elpot. Šodien pirmo reizi ieraudzīju finiša līniju, pirmo reizi jūtu, ka varētu to sasniegt. Vēlos vairāk par visu pasaulē! It's my only chance to finally move on with my life!

I asked for it, prayed, send good thoughts and visualized - it came true! THANK YOU!

Be safe,


You might work, but I work harder
You might fight, but I fight smarter
Might not be on the top of the world, but hey
I'm on my way
You might fly, but I fly higher
You're so hot, but I'm on fire
Might not be on top of the world buy hey
I'm on my way ay


Emociju miskaste

Things I want to remember