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Monday, March 4th, 2024

    Time Event
    tā eiforiskā sajūta, kad titāniks aizpeld tev garām.
    «were things done in a certain way? was any information given that might be cryptic? because this is what we often see, everything they tell you is usually told in some random seemingly random almost nonsensical way and it's not it's just that direct telling is not really their thing. so it could be worth to pick apart everything and figure out if you can see anything that's gonna tie it together. the other way of doing it, not necessarily the best way going about it, but I can't deny it's effective, is try it. obviously, make sure that you are safe. paaa pa paaaaa pa paaa taa ta taaa taaaa tuuu tu tuuuu»

    Current Music: Magical Mysterious Forest | Calming The Mind, Soaring, Sooth

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