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3 sets instrumental, with drums 4. Jul 2005|10:51


(2 sets instrumental, without drums) (3 sets instrumental, with drums)

Gimme gimme, gimme just a little smile, that's all I ask of you.

Gimme gimme, gimme just a little smile, we got a message for you.

Sunshine, sunshine reggae, don't worry, don't hurry, take it easy!

Sunshine, sunshine reggae, let the good vibes get a lot stronger! (

2 sets instrumental)

Gimme gimme, gimme just a little smile, that's all I ask of you - is that too much?

Gimme gimme, gimme just a little smile, we got a message for you.

 Join the- sunshine, sunshine reggae, let the good vibes get a lot stronger!

Sunshine, sunshine reggae, don't worry, don't hurry, take it easy!

Sunshine, sunshine reggae, let the good vibes get a lot stronger.

Get a lot stronger, let the good vibes get a lot stronger!

Let the good vibes get a lot stronger, let the good vibes get a lot stronger!

Let the good vibes get a lot stronger, let the good vibes get a lot stronger!

Let the good vibes get a lot stronger, let the good vibes get a lot stronger!

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