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Uz mūrīša - Komentāri

20. Okt 2007 12:11

I will kill you all
nothing you can do about it
I will kill you all
nothing you can do about it
squirrelly wrath
squirrelly wrath
squirrelly wrath
squirrelly wrath
you all are gona die
you all are gona die
squirrelly wrath
squirrelly wrath

nepatika? un šitais?

I'm the lord & master
You all are bastars
Im the lord & master
worship me...
Or ill stab your eyes till you bleed
im the lord & master!

oki oki lets put a message:

So Im a suirrel..
Your not..
how pathetic you are...
so Im a squirrel..
youre not...
your just human...
how pathetic you are..
you dont have a fluffy tail...
you dont have a squirrelly wrath...
you just build to destroy..
while i..
collect some nuts
and you all SUCK!

respect the trees, respect them all!
shut up and listen

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