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Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

    Time Event
    "Ja cepumam liktu izvēlēties starp pienu un ievārījumu, tad viņš izvēlētos nebūt cepums." Tik vienkārši izvēlēties.

    Current Mood: bik sakaitinājies
    Current Music: tūliņ būs .. M5 - Harder To Breath
    Quote #2
    "And then you get tap on your shoulder. A TAP! And when you finaly turn around - Who`s behind you? The world! The WORLD! right on your shoulder going: Hi! Hey! What`s up? I don`t know if we`ve met. But I`m the world. And I just wanna, I wanna let you know something You`re gonna cryyyyy.. "
    Mr. D.Cook

    Current Mood: tāds pats
    Current Music: kush..

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