mazieburti's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in mazieburti's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, July 27th, 2023
    2:05 pm
    Zinko es nesaprotu, kāpēc bābas vēl mocās ar tiem tamponiem un paketēm Citas vispār seksu negrib kad ir mēnešreizes. Bet rekur tak ir šitāda štelle -

    Davaj džeki sapērkat savām vecenēm un nebūs attaisnojums ka negrib seksu jo ir mēnešreizes, ar šito var un nebūs šmuce. :D 
    Thursday, May 25th, 2023
    8:08 pm
    hey hey hey! Karoč kaut kas interesantāks nekā parasti! Visi domā ka pocket pussy un flashlight ir viens un tas pats. Bet tomēr nē. Pocket pussy mēdz saukt arī zinātniski par onahole. Izlasi par to kas tas ir šeit -
    Wednesday, December 28th, 2022
    1:31 pm

    Ir dažādi iemesli, kāpēc cilvēki var izvēlēties spēlēt online kazino vietnēs, nevis spēlēt klātienē. Šeit ir daži no tiem:

    1. Pieejamība: Online kazino ir pieejami jebkurā vietā, kur jums ir piekļuve internetam, tāpēc jūs varat spēlēt, kad vēlaties un no jebkuras vietas. Tāpat jums nav jābrauc uz kādu konkrētu vietu, lai spēlētu kazino spēles.

    2. Lielāka izvēle: Online kazino parasti piedāvā daudz lielāku spēļu klāstu nekā fiziskie kazino. Jūs varat atrast dažādas slotu spēles, galda spēles un citas spēles, kuras varētu būt grūti atrast klātienē.

    3. Zemāki izmaksas: Spēlējot online, jums nav jāmaksā par braucienu uz kazino vai par izmitināšanu, ja spēlējat no ārzemēm. Tāpat parasti ir pieejamas arī dažādas bonusa piedāvājumi, piemēram, bezmaksas griezieni vai naudas atmaksa, kas var palīdzēt jums ietaupīt naudu.

    4. Drošība: Online kazino parasti ir drošāki nekā fiziskie kazino, jo tie ir regulēti un pārbaudīti, lai nodrošinātu, ka tie darbojas godīgi un atbilst noteiktajiem standartiem. Tātad, spēlējot online, jūs varat būt drošs, ka jūsu nauda ir drošībā un ka jūs spēlējat godīgās spēlēs.

    5. Diskrētība: Ja jūs vēlaties spēlēt kazino spēles, bet nevēlaties, lai citi par to uzzinātu, online kazino var būt lieliska izvēle. Jūs varat spēlēt no privātas vietas un nebaidīties no neērtām situācijām vai pārmetumiem no citiem.

    Saturday, December 18th, 2021
    3:08 pm
    Testi, Visur Testi!
    Nu ko sīkie un nesīkie, mammas tagad visus testēs. 

    Ko es ar to gribu teikt.. Ne jau pret COVID. Bet nu arī to tur var dabūt. 
    Nu jau ir pieejami dažādi narkotiku testi, marihuānas testi, pat nikotīna testi. (paskaties mammas history browserī, ja ir gājusi uz Qtest un skatijusies nikotīna testus, tad slēp savas cīgas un nepīpē labāk kādu laiku. Pieķers, ka es tev saku!)

    Ja brauksi sapīpējies pie stūres, tad nu skadirs ir viens, ka tagad policijai būs šitie līdzi kas nosaka dažādu vielu klātbūtni tavā ķermenī ātrāk. Nevajadzēs pat braukt uz ekspertīzi lai to uzzinātu. 

    Nu karoč, ja nu pašiem vajag tad skatās te.

    Izskatās ka šodien kaut ko labo, bet nu gan jau vēlāk būs atpakaļ.
    Monday, June 28th, 2021
    2:58 pm
    Apskati Latviju.
    Hey hey hey draugi! 

    Nu, vasara ir ieradusies un ir laiks doties kaut ko apskatīt un izbaudīt silto laiku. Apskates objekti Latvijā ir pa pilnam, gan jau lielāko daļu esat redzējuši, bet nu, mazums, kaut kas tomēr ir paslīdējis garām. 

    Tiem kuriem Latvijas lauki, meži un lieliskā daba par "īsu" tad tas saraksts būs nederīgs. Bet tomēr, mūsu Latvija taču skaista, vai ne? 
    Thursday, June 3rd, 2021
    10:14 am
    Pārbaudi cenas pirms dodies atpūsties!
    Visi tagad vēlas doties atpūsties siltajā laikā, un ķer visus pirmos piedāvājumus kurus ierauga. 

    Nu sorry par tiem, kuriem vēl nav sācies atvaļinajums, jums šis noderēs tikai pēc kāda laika. Bet nu, varbūt vēlaties laicīgi rezervēt kaut ko jau. Tagad var gadīties divas lietas. Pirmā ir tā, ka var būt atlaides dēļ tā, ka tagad lielāko daļu lietu sāk atļaut, it īpaši vakcinētajiem, kas ir baigi neforši, jo sākās cilvēku dalīšana un sava veida diskriminācija, ja nemaz nav nekādas atšķirības start vakcinēto un nevakcinēto personu. Abi var saslimt, abi var pārnēsāt un nodot tālāk citiem. 

    Bet labi, ne par to es te rakstu. Laikam novirzijos no ceļa mazliet. 

     Tātad - pārbaudi vai nav "atkal atvēršanās" atlaides. Baigi var ietaupit, ka es tev saku. 

     Otra lieta ir doties uz tādām saitēm kā
    Tur ir dažādi "deali" visa vieda atpūtām. Pat vari izbraukt ar Ferrari Rīgas ielās. Nu, tikai 10-15 min, bet tāpāt, feini. 

    Īsumā sakot, neskrien kur nevajag, paskaties piedāvājumus, cenas utt. 

    Pats tagad meklēju pāris vietas nogalei un tieši caur gribuatpūsties dabuju labāku dealu Siguldā nekā tad, ja būtu pa taisno braucis vai pircis caur viņu pašu lapu. 
    Thursday, September 19th, 2019
    10:16 am
    70th birthday gift ideas

    Birthdays… such a taboo topic. Some people really love them, can’t wait to celebrate them and have their day be all about them and only them. And other people want to disappear and forget that every 360 days they’ve made another round on this planet.

    Turning 70 is definitely a very important event and even if your loved one turning this impressive age doesn’t want to acknowledge the achievement – you can still make them feel special with your 70th birthday gift.

    And don’t worry if you need to gift someone who’s throwing the party of a century – in the list down below you’ll still find 70th birthday gift that will warm their hearts and make them smile. 

    Thursday, June 6th, 2019
    3:13 pm
    Gifts for 80th Birthday!
    Exactly just what would soon be the absolute most underrated and among some form 80th birthday gift notions?  In the subsequent bit we outline our favored present suggestions that you will donate nearest ones which swap eighty last calendar year.Becoming older is still the all pure section of the life.  It truly is additionally something we have discovered to watch and also love.

    However, you'll find those identifying birthdays and parties that need more attention, because of the main reason they're a milestone within somebody's life.When as is 80th Birthday is definitely something distinctive, and ought to be appreciated, as boy how much will come about in just 8 decades!Simply imagine every one of those memories and emotions a person undergoes within just this lengthy period after.  Perhaps to not mention seeing that our entire world shift very radically, also especially all through this century. You can find cool gift ideas here

    We finally have accrued 80th birthday gift notions, that will be in one single special or another fashion -- exceptionally special in to the person that you are re.Is it something that's very likely to induce them to turn into happy, attract outside emotions or maybe something useful and practical -- we now have listed this to save you trouble!  

    These can soon be the sort of present hints, where you do not actually have to pay for too much inordinate quantity of give attention to thickness, yet, and you also know they might appear practical and generate exactly the average person happy.The next 80th birthday gift notions actually are rather distinctive, but might be gifted right to a pal, a relative or just a spouse or spouse -- it will not problem.  What's that they truly are considerate sufficient to get paid a great memento.
    Thursday, May 30th, 2019
    2:18 pm
    Trading Crypto
    Crypto currency, or crypto trading trading, is the market of crypto currencies.  Much like in Forex, then you might trade a crypto currency for still yet another, such as alt coin or even Bitcoin for both Euro and USD.  That really is 1 way to being involved from cryptocurrencies' wide wonderful world .

     n gross profit trading, you also will borrow exchanging power in exchange for an allocation of an integral part of one's capital (the gross profit ) that'll just be accessible shortly after a transaction, whenever you reunite the capital you've got.

    Leverage trading, alternatively, lets you exchange a quantity you never possess.  

    Crypto trading services provide you a grip of 1:10.  This means that you've got, you receive 10 dollars of buying power.  What this means is bother benefit that is higher and risk. 

    Crypto CFDs are trades between buyers and sellers buyers are paid the gap between your price of crypto assets and their value by the ending of their contracts by sellers. Crypto CFDs, so therefore are confidential and even pricey, supplies simplicity and credibility of usage for dealers that hope to create money.

    If you want to learn more about trading, see this post
    10:43 am
    Gift Ideas For Bridal Shower
    A marriage can be this day in the lifetime of a one. As it really is for everyone However, together with any uncertainty, that day is more specific to your bride, even longer. Setting up the ceremony along with producing exactly the most guest information, looking to receive yourself a dress or making certain to look at her that the bride could find a tiny confused. That. 

     Maybe not to say! However, Salon showers occur due to the purpose behind helping the bride using the upcoming jamboree. Amassing or this celebration, for those who can hosts every of your bride together side friends or even other family relations. 

    All these guests give gifts therefore to make sure there will be necessary for this particular union that occurs only, congratulate her with all an wedding moment and to create the bride happy! You know what exactly is because of marriage guestpost, recorded here are several quite plans which will suit useful gift suggestions for wedding shower's statue.
    Monday, May 6th, 2019
    3:50 pm
    Retirement can be an extraordinary day in someone's life as it will all in all overwhelm. For the most part couple of individuals are set up to leave work and take-up the pail list things they constantly required, in any case never found the opportunity to do. You will miss your accomplice, so here are the best retirement favoring insights, which will help support the change and leave a beguiling memory. 

    For several, it feels like a consolation and an incredible chance to simply release up and oversee grandchildren, while for different people, it could be an undeniably all the all the all the more enabling life change. 

    By then there's the ocean of estimations as for leaving the most worthwhile years behind and basically be… 

    In any case, you would need to display your accomplice the entirety you regard his or her time spent near to you – seeing each other dependably, eating together and examining the most ground breaking nark in the workplace.

    Wednesday, March 20th, 2019
    11:54 am
    Animal stem cell therapy
    A stem cell is still actually really just a blank slate which could turn into any kind of mobile, with all the possibility to regenerate tissues at part of your human anatomy at which infection has harmed it caused it to shed perform. Pet stem-cell therapy employs stem cells by your bone marrow, umbilical cord blood or obese of your furry friend or another creature of the exact species. 

     A vet divides the stem cells to the pubic space, like being a knee joint ruined by atherosclerosis. You can even tread dog arthritis with stem cell therapies. The tissues go for the damaged or inflamed tissues, suppress the inflammation, and minimize pain and induce brand new tissue to cultivate. 

     This fresh tissue is somewhat far much a lot more such as the tissue in relation to the scar tissue formation which could normally rise within an infested vulnerable location, Owens clarifies.

     Stem cell treatment isn't right for every single pet or each and just about every single condition. Tired of veterinarians who assert it is really a cureall. 

     It isn't for every single financial institution. A training span of 2 or three shots may run $2000 or longer. 

    When you have got the tools and also your furry friend has a lot of fantastic ages before him, then stem cell treatment may possibly be described as considered an excellent choice. Locate a vet with knowledge using all the remedy and have a lot of queries, for example perhaps not merely in case a pet or even kitty are quite an excellent candidate, however, the reason why.
    11:30 am
    How to buy bitcoin?
    Well... probably 99.5% of you know already how to buy it and what you need to buy it. 

    But there are still out there some people who haven't even heard about bitcoin and blockchain and ICO's and all the other stuff. So why should they know how to buy bitcoin if they haven't even heard about the crypto. 

    First thing is first - if you have no idea what is blockchain and crypto then you should do some research about it because this post will not be about that. I will not tell you what is blockchain. Sounds like I don't know myself what it is, but trust me - I know.  And I know a lot more than you think. 

    This post just will not be about that. It will be about how to buy it. 

    So the first thing you need to have is a good crypto wallet. In some wallets, you can store several cryptocurrencies. But I don't recommend that.  Because I have heard several cases that hackers spend less time stealing crypto from wallets that are used for multiple cryptocurrencies. 

    But this does not include Trezor or any other hardware wallet. 

    I would even recommend using Trezor. 

    DON"T EVER LEAVE YOUR CRYPTO AT EXCHANGE! Exchanges are not wallets and are not even close to high-end security. 

    Next thing you need is to go to some exchange. I prefer Paybis exchange that is easy to use and everything is clear and fast for beginners. 

    Even verification is fast. 

    Register an account and use the way that you perfect. Buy with a credit card, or skrill or bank transfer, just anything you want. 

    So basically that is so easy that even a 5th grader could do it. 

    And if some of you have no idea how to do it, then maybe you should take some video tutorials where you see a step-by-step action. 

    Thursday, January 17th, 2019
    6:17 pm
    You did it! You have finally moved out of your parent's home or rented apartment suite and obtained your total first house! Phenomenal work, anyway if you got it without any goods and the accompanying stage is home equipping. So what might it be a smart thought for you to do? What might it be a smart thought for you to look for? What are the major things that you can't survive without? A house requires considerably more furniture than an unobtrusive condominium or room in your people's home. If you end up in a race to get a lot of new goods, by then this post is just for you – so stop, put that phone away. Facebook can stop. Also, meanwhile, we should research a couple of clues that will help you with home furnishing for indisputably the first run through.

    More here
    Friday, January 11th, 2019
    12:50 pm
    Jaunie Projekti
    RE - vesela sadaļa, apkopojums ar labākajiem jaunajiem projektiem. Zinu ka čoms meklēja dzīvokli, pilns internets un neko nevar saprast ar tiem projektiem Kurš jauns, kurš vecs. A šeit viss viegli. Nav problēmu.
    Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019
    11:17 am
    Vintage Decorations
    Want to decorate your house in Vintage style? Then this guide is for you! 
    Thursday, November 29th, 2018
    5:17 pm
    Room decoration Ideas
    I know that you’re searching for new cool room decor ideas. That’s probably because you’re tired of how your room looks, and you want something new in your life. So here you have something new and not something ordinary.
    Thursday, November 22nd, 2018
    10:23 am
    Monday, November 19th, 2018
    4:27 pm
    Alternatives To Coinbase
    Are you a crypto fan using Coinbase and want to find a way on how to lower commisions or just don't want that your data is getting tracked? Well, guess what? Coinbase is not the only option - here you can find great alternatives to it.

    There are plenty of websites who are almost the same as coinbase, but better with lower fees and stuff. 

    If you are a newbie in crypto, then maybe you should not use Coinbase, but first just check out other websites with the same function. 

    Wednesday, November 7th, 2018
    5:45 pm
    Ja vēl nēesi izmantojis Taxify, tad tev ir iespēja iegūt pirmo braucienu par brīvu! 

    Lejupielādē Taxify un pie "Payments" sadaļas ievadi šo kodu - 23AYH un saņemsi 10 EUR pirmajam braucienam. 

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