Life is like toilet paper:long and usefull. - September 29th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 29th, 2004

autch...:) [Sep. 29th, 2004|09:12 pm]
[mood | apathetic]
[music |foonaa-gribi buut miljonaars]

What kind of female vampire are you? by justme19
Your name
Your moon phase:You don't have one. You turn vampire randomly. Sometimes you're normal, sometimes you're not.
You are a:Best Vampire- you put good name to the vampire. You are vicious, cunning, and sly. No one can resist your charm, replace your talent, or have as many feedings as you do. You are the top vampire, and every other vampire looks up to you.
You will turn vampire in this many days:15
Your first victim will be:Tommy Lee
Quiz created with MemeGen!

tad taa luuk....patiesiibaaa es reizeem esmu vampiirs.....:) bet tomijs liii :D gan es negribeetu!
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