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( ) - 30. Novembris 2004
30. Novembris 2004
- Ballad of Mastero
- 30.11.04 17:28
- Part I – The Past
‘Twas long ago, when I was born
And father mine then blew his horn
To let them know, that I was here
So greet they me with joy and care.
I was real young when travelled we
To richer fields, to lands so free
And meet we did a fellow elf,
Who was for all, not for himself.
His wit was sharp, and so were eyes
Could see an eagle far in skies.
His bow was great and so his shots
If battle came, he’d shoot a lot.
He joined us, called self Inoril.
We travelled far but went we still,
When elf-man said: “In name of Seė,
We’ll settle here with work and care!”
And so we did and built us homes
So great and glorious, with domes
They could be seen from places far
And called we this place Seėmar.
Some other cities stood near us –
Seėnălung, Seėfil, fair and just.
And evildoer hordes there were
And evil jobs were done here – there.
Inoril made the cities friends,
That fight for justice ‘til the ends
Of all that stands, that breathes, that lives,
‘Til all that moves becomes so still.
We grew and prospered big and strong,
For evils first it wasn’t long.
And so we lived in places these
And no one dared disturb this peace
And city new we start to build
For men to live who work on fields.
But fools we were to build it near
The Mount of Seė, that no one dared
Nor enter, scout it, nor approach
No mather what the arms in pouch.
And then one day the battle came
No time for sitting, lying lame.
I polished armor, sharpened steel,
And evil future I did feel.
Part II – The Battle
The morning sun was yet to come
When hear we did those noises some –
From Mount of Seė the orc folk came,
The time had come for death and fame.
So fast and furious the horde,
We prayed and sacrificed for Lord,
But Seė did give us blessing not –
The orc folk charged and slew a lot.
We weren’t done, we were some more,
And we had weapons left in store,
So arm did we, the noble folk,
With only us our Seė would talk.
We were a gross against a swarm
And only Seė our hearts kept warm.
And brave and noble we there stood
As anyone of free folk would.
Then the horde split to give some space
For theirs huge leader with his face
So dark and horrid as the Death,
His eyes were burning in red wrath.
He dressed in black was, and in red
And all of us, we all felt dead.
So there he came, and trembled ground,
And none of armies made a sound.
He took his horn and lift it high,
And horrid sounds to our ears fly,
And all as one the orc horde charged
In front of them – their leader large.
“Seė guide my blade!” I heard me roar
Then slew I hundred, maybe more
And so did others, but some fell
In battle great of Seėruns dell.
I looked around: huge body piles
The orc blood covered ground for miles.
There stood us four: I, Seė and my sword,
Within the reach, the orkish lord.
His folk were slain, and so were mine,
And there we stood, all in one line.
“Harak,” he roared, “Harak are we
and so forever this will be.”
“I’ve slain your folk, and slay will you,
And after that, your kinsmen too.
And if you run, I you will trace,
And smash my axe into your face.”
“Your meanless fields I’ll slash and burn,
And then against the cities turn,
Your folk I’ll slay or make them slaves,
The trophies bring back to our caves.”
“Your bones will slowly bleach in there,
I won’t forget what you once were –
A fearless warrior, praying gods,
Who slew a thousand on his tod.”
His voice was strong and true, I thought,
Then think I did and loudly laughed:
“Your words are strong and sound they nice,
Now let us fight, once never twice.”
He grinned at me and axe he drew:
“Now let me teach you something new!”
He leaped at me, and ducked I fast,
If not – no longer I would last.
His back at me, so there he stood
As after leap all warriors would.
I drew my sword and thrust I did
Into his back, right in the mid.
His roar of death, it trembled rock
And then he fell, face in the muck.
And over ground his black blood spilled,
And victor feelings my heart filled.
As hero then I home returned
But Seėrun to the ground had burned.
We won the battle and the war
Just bout the lost our hearts were sore.
We burnt the orcs, but not our men
As soldiers they were burried then,
But now their graves are under moss,
And grieve no more, we bout their loss.
Part III – The Life After The Battle
But few, but few men I did miss –
My father fell in battle this,
My mother and my brothers fell –
By cruel orcs got drowned in well.
And one thing, one thing I have sworn
Forget the name in what I’m born,
The name I’ll called be Mastero,
And all the people’ll call me so.
I hero was of Great Orc War,
The name Mastero travelled far,
The people knew me, where I was,
But this here fame much evil does.
The Seėril enemies got mad,
And plot they did, some things real bad,
And after I did more good deeds
I start to see the evil seeds.
And grown they had, from seeds to trees,
Whose shadow falls on our lands free.
This shadow made the plots be born
And all I cand do now is mourn.
The council Wise of Seėril saint
Began to be quite dim and faint.
I do not know how this was done
But hatred grew between them some.
As all the force is unity –
The country now was punity,
And then they came, they took the city
Of Seėmar holy, what a pity!
These shadow elves, they called selves drow,
They worked fast, not a bit slow,
Their arrows deadly were to us
And lost we many in the fuss.
Again, I rose with friends of mine
And stand we did, wait for some sign.
Then Seė showed us his sacred mark,
The rays of sun pierced through the dark.
The drow were weak in light of sun,
So without loss we battle won.
And think we did that’s time for joy,
And all the drow now are destroyed.
Part IV – The Death of Mastero
But heedlessness has it’s own cost,
The battle last I now have lost.
My friend, my fellow sold my life,
For that he bears my endless strife.
In wine of feast he poison spilled
And in one gulp I down it swilled.
I understood and drew my sword
And sent that bastard straight to lord.
So I write this, my story bold,
And to the Seė it is now told.
The only thing I feel now sore
That didn’t die in battle’s core
This is the truth, it’s none a lie,
These are my words and now I die.
/antīks darbiņš, kāds gads divi - fantasy periods/
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