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( ) - 10. Novembris 2004
10. Novembris 2004
- Jūlija atskaņas...
- 10.11.04 20:00
- //Jūlijā raxtīti dzejoļi. Pēdējo (par ielu) izmantoju tagad kā vārdus gičblūzam.//
the smoke stops slowly
rolling in the sky
the sun in silence
commits suicide
the plastic frame of
another plastic window
the greenish blue of
the everlasting sun
the murderers of
little birds and people
the silent killer
only wants to cry
the violence
puts fingers on the steel-string
the instrument
is slowly occupied...
the subject is dead,
can't find it's way to his bed
or to his lovely dream;
the dice is now cast,
no way of turning back to past;
it ain't smoke - it's steam
of falling asleep,
without a reason i just weep;
last member of a team,
she's always alone,
she's doing better with a clone
or so it would seem;
the pillow is white
and so are the sheets, there ain't no light
'cept the lonely beam
of sorrow and spite
that finds it's way through the night -
part of some evil scheme;
a cog in a clock
has no more soul than a rock
no matter whacha deem
bout meaning of life -
whatever - is love it or it's strife
or being in the creme;
the subject is dead,
can't find it's way to his bed,
to his lovely dream.
Mākoņi, Kings of Leon un Prāta Vētras meldiņš.
Dziesma. Jāpiedomā tik vēl smuki akordi. Pašlaik dungojas kautkādi Prātvētrlike...
Neliels veltījums manai ielai.
I saw nothing tonight
of sun and moon and clouds.
I saw noting tonight
of nature great and proud.
Yet what I saw has now implanted
a seed of happiness in me
And inspiration how is granted,
I guess that this just had to be.
I saw the city dressed in black,
Like gravediggers and crows;
The lanterns giving light it lacked,
But why - that noone knows.
I saw the houses curling up
In darkness to relax,
And drunkards raising up their cups
For that they leave no tracks.
I saw the lonely tree again,
That guards the end of street
Against the disoriented men
Who wander by their feet.
I saw the concrete and the steel
That make the mountains here.
Too bad their mouths are always sealed,
Unlike their eyes - they stare
At happenings of our time,
At sidewalks and at walls,
At alleys, suited for a crime,
Upon which shadow falls,
At children playing ball for fun,
At cars that roar along,
At things that now have just begun
And things that last for long.
Yet silent are the elder ones -
The concrete and the steel,
No wisest fathers and no sons
Can't guess just how they feel.
Mūzika: Gičblūzs
Garastāvoklis:: Sentimentāls
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