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mōnika - 21. Maijs 2006
Jūlijs 2008
21. Maijs 2006
kuuliiig. es esmu beigusi skolu. ta sajuta ir vnk uuber :) nez ka un kam lai pasakaas bet... laikam jau senchiem un sev visupirms. PALDIES. ir vel kads cilveks kas mani notureja virs uudens pagajshgad, bet tam vairs nau nozimes. eeemm.. jaa miiljie draugi, paldies ari jums! meenesis godam aizvadiic. bu4a ari tew mazuli! skolotajiem? nu nez nez. taja zinja bushu nepateiciga. man neticeja. vilka bezdibenii. saap kakls. Garastāvoklis:: labveeliigs Mūzika: prozachell |
kaveejos atminjaas :) I thought you'd come back at least I prayed. The romance has been dead for years, but I've been too afraid to dig the grave. Relief support never came. Memories carry me through the day of when of when we were kids and angels came to watch us play. Close my eyes just for tonight. The sun still sleeps and when she wakes. A movie that plays in my mind. Remembering you helps me survive. Everyday a re-run of the next. I promiced to stay by your side. That all would change. I cant complain. Another victim of the game. Maybe love will find us again for there is always tomorrow. Sincerely till the end. Close my eyes just for tonight. The sun still sleeps and when she wakes. You'll be a memory... Garastāvoklis:: atminjains :)) Mūzika: underoath - when the sun sleeps |
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