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Sunday, December 22nd, 2013
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12:37p |
| 1:00p |
U.S. Army soldiers prepare to jump from a C-17 Globemaster III... http://demons.swallowthesky.org/post/70802996088  U.S. Army soldiers prepare to jump from a C-17 Globemaster III aircraft during a forcible entry exercise over Fort Bragg, N.C., 29 April 2010. | 2:00p |
| 3:00p |
Women from the first graduating class of the Afghan National... http://demons.swallowthesky.org/post/70814123937  Women from the first graduating class of the Afghan National Army Female Officer Candidate School stand for the playing of the national anthem during their graduation ceremony, 23 Sept. 2010.
Twenty-nine Afghan women completed 20 weeks of training, which included 8 weeks of basic training and 12 weeks of advanced training in logistics and finance. | 4:00p |
Men of Company C, 1st Bn, 8th Inf, 1st Bde, 4th Inf Div, descend... http://demons.swallowthesky.org/post/70819804716  Men of Company C, 1st Bn, 8th Inf, 1st Bde, 4th Inf Div, descend the side of Hill 742, located five miles northwest of Dak To/November 14-17, 1967 | 5:00p |
101st Combat Aviation Brigade CH-47 Chinook door gunners... http://demons.swallowthesky.org/post/70825555143  101st Combat Aviation Brigade CH-47 Chinook door gunners surveying the ground during a night flight in southern Afghanistan/June 2009 | 11:40p |
From 2007-2010, Eagles cheerleader Rachel Washburn stood on the... http://demons.swallowthesky.org/post/70862807727
From 2007-2010, Eagles cheerleader Rachel Washburn stood on the Eagles sidelines watching all of the different battles play out between the white lines at Lincoln Financial Field. Just a few years later, Rachel was no longer standing outside the lines. She had traded in her midnight green Vera Wang-designed cheerleader uniform for army fatigues. Rachel left Philadelphia to serve in Afghanistan as a member of the United States Army. At tonight’s game, 1st Lt. Rachel Washburn returned to Lincoln Financial Field honored as the Eagles “Hometown Hero.”
Rachel Washburn: Philadephia’s Hometown Hero