marossiya's Journal
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Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

    Time Event
    I enjoy cussing.
    Holy shit, grad practice today (yesterday as well) was awful. My shoes were killing me, Mr. Wright was being a shitface, everyone was hoopin' and hollarin' and other than my feet hurting and wearing that down gown and cap it was slightly exciting. Awful but exciting. Frau told me my make-up was pretty, made me smile. Plus, we insulted Ms. Porter together and I must admit it's fun graduating. I keep calling Esco Linda and Frau said something about buying veggie food and beer, laugh. We have one more practice tomorrow and then the big hoopla is on Saturday. The last Apprentice is on tonight!Fuck, fuck, fuck a duckScrew a kangarooFinger a dang orangatangWelcome to my zoo

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