marossiya's Journal
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Saturday, January 31st, 2009

    Time Event
    There is wood in my eyes from a sharpened pencil and my feet are so cold I can't feel the toes hangi
    There is wood in my eyes from a sharpened pencil and my feet are so cold I can't feel the toes hanging off the end. I like mandrin oranges because the pulp explodes in my mouth and the juice gives me those bumps on my tongue. I could sleep forever with shaved heads and black clothes on my mind that came from earlier on the tube. Mother. I can't wait to go to college. Which reminds me, I got my ACT scores back today and they are perfect for GSU. Which means when I apply I will most likely get in. Georgia State here I come. To leave the bastards in high school, everyone, and to meet new ones I can easily push down the stairs and walk away from.
    I don't like the Flavor Blasted Color Changing
    I don't like the Flavor Blasted Color Changing! Goldfish but I eat them anyway. I got blue in my bag. I dove right in and found out. Blue. Blue or red and I got blue. I don't like blue or red, really. I mean as the color of my food. As colors themselves I like Pithalo Blue and Red-Orange. I passed my exam in World History today and passed the class too, one point away from a fucking B. That royally pisses me off. Two more to go. So, something interesting today. "Want to see my Leeloo photos?" "Yeah, show me." "They are on the computer." "On your journal...that you talk about me on?" "Yeah, but I don't talk about you." "Someone told me you were talking bad about me on it." "No, I defended you." "Oh. Hehe. Thanks." "Yeah, and I call you Morris and the only person here that knows that is Amber." "Yeah, I'm not saying who." "Yeah, I defended you. Want to see it?" "No, I believe you." "Okay, come see my photos. I want to dye my hair that color." "I think it'll look good. You can pull it off.." "Pisht you're jealous."Playing Poker isn't a job!She wakes up lonely, she wakes up sad

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