...after every hit we take... - 29. Maijs 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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29. Maijs 2006

[29. Maijs 2006|11:53]

draugiem.lv vienā albumā komentāros vārda "aizkulises" vietā ierakstīju "laizkulises".... nja... tos komentus pats nevar izdzēst... tikai albuma īpašnieks!!!
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[29. Maijs 2006|14:01]
Vāks... šodien skatījos kas man tur gičas čeholā par visādām lapelēm mētājs... atradu vienu dziesmas tekstu, kurai ir viss.. akordi, melodija... backvokāli... teksts... bāc... Lost Soul izskaņā šitā dziesma radās, bet kaut kā tika pavisam aizmirsta... es domāju, ka ir jātaisa augšāmcelšanās...

I'm searching for a place to lay down my pain
I'm sailing through the seas of winter storms and rain
I'm looking for a thing to bring me back to life
And now my only hope is screaming deep inside

My eyes are open wide but nothing they can see
A plain of ocean, on every side of me
But still my hope lives on, so alive it never was
I'll breed I'll bear her, I'll make her grow strong

Chorus: Is there someone who would someday (is there someone who would someday)
Willingly just die for you (willingly just die for you)
Someone who could feel your pain (someone who could feel your pain)
And someone who won't leave you (someone.... leave you...)
Have you ever felt this way (have you ever felt this way)
That someone's taking care of you (someone's taking care of you)
Someone who is strong enaugh (someone who is strong enaugh)
To lead you through the night to light (from night to light from night to...........)

Another day it ends, it turns to a night
From darkening skies a rain begins to fall
And only rumbling sound of thunder from above
It is my only guide that leads me on my way

My heart is heavy, each moment it could break
I'd like to turn my back and leave it all behind
But still my hope says - No! Don't throw it all away
She makes me carry on and push myself through


Years are running by me faster than the wind
And still I'm on a road, each day and every night
My grownup hope's a sail to catch a breeze for me
She does everything to keep me alive

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