B. ([info]maksiine) wrote on July 11th, 2011 at 11:34 am
Few things i like, just to know what to answer next time someone will ask....
  1. Jaunu kurpju smarzha
  2. Blowing bubbles
  3. Noslidinaat ledus gabalinju paar atsleegas kaulu un just kaa auksts uuens tek lejup
  4. Mazgaat traukus, kailai
  5. Pirkstgalos virpinaat matus 
  6. Freckles
Closure- ther's always something that destroys my peace, or maybe it's just me....
Es shodien nogalinaaju gliemezi.E s padariiju mazo gliemezhu beernu par baareni. Ljoti saapiigi, opis domaa, ka man vaig uz trako maaju, jo man nobira asarinja.
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