Feb. 15th, 2004|02:53 pm |
(...) So the Litti reached the East washed by the Great Water without end. That was a surprising scene as marvelous as wonderful. Yau taught them You have learned "A", the space. Now learn "U", the unknown Time as it is represented by Unda or Uden, the Water. Do never forget that "I" amkeeping together A, the Space, with U, the Time! I am Yau who was Yau before Yau could be Yau, I am already Yau and everywhere Yau. The problem was: to put over the dry "Pan" upon the watery "Pun", which was an island. As it was done, they had a dry "Iap an" upon the watery "Iap un".
The old song only remained: ie-pan, ia-pan, Li go, Li go! Ie-pun: ia-pan, Li go! i sa na ki, Isanagi, Li go, Li go. i sa na mi, Isanami, Li go! Yau she rasu ko she rasu, Li go, Li go. Yau she re: Ama te rasu, Ligo. They raised the following Amaze or Amazement: Ama, Oh wide World! Ri, thou sisest to run forth against the rigot. Ca, in order to ascend and attend the World end.
That was the earliest prophecy in the Far East waiting for the late fulfillment in the Far West. The thousands of centuries had pass in forgetting of the promissed Land in the Sunset. |