01 Marts 2004 @ 07:53
Ak, kā mani kaitina, ja nets ir nojūzdies un tāpēc jūtos kā galīgi ne savā ādā...Vakarpusē tikt iekš cibas bija ārkārtīgi problemātiski. Un tāpēc, ka visu vakaru mēģināju meklēt vīrusus ( jo citur varēja tikt ), šorīt atkal esmu neizgulējusies, droši vien atkal ar visiem cilvēkiem sakasīšos par sīkumiem...

Nu tā, esmu izsūdzējusi savas bēdas, moš paliks labāk...
Oma:: beesiis!
01 Marts 2004 @ 16:19
You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.

What kind of kiss are you?
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01 Marts 2004 @ 16:22
Vēl jautrāk!  
The Roaring 20's! You lived in these wild times.
Flappers, dancing, prohibition, and the mob!
You partied, drank and and had no cares in the
world. You enjoyed the nightlife and hung out
with real gangsters. Every night was a party
until you got caught in the crossfire in a NYC
club. But, you still are drawn to this period
in time when men were men and women were
starting to change their history.

Where and what were you in your past life?
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Oma:: fun
01 Marts 2004 @ 20:25
heh..shitas laps!  
Don't get blood splatters on you when you shoot
your victim. Your methods are a bit uncouth but
your finesse and sense of style is impeccable.
With a bit of guidance you could live among us
in the world of vampires.

How would you Murder?
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