ludmila_angus' Journal
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Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

    Time Event
    i'm so tired i can hear my bones breaking
    traveling is a great adventure, but i despise the packing part.what will i need? how much of it? what will the weather be like?did i remember it i really need this or that, will i regret not taking it.i have about 40 lbs of props to bring.details details details.i amSOfucking excited to go to a Dakota.i hope it's everything i ever dreamed it would be and that the airport has one BAD ASS snowglobe that i can get, then walk around shaking it going, yeah, yeah, i did it, i went to a Dakota.cha cha obviously has to have South Dakota written on it somewhere and be VERY long for now...perhaps i can update from the road.xO.

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