Lord Andrey de Initio
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Sunday, May 4th, 2003

    Time Event
    vot tā...

    You Have the Power to Turn Things to Stone!

    What's Your Magic Power?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    You are Vlad the Impaler. The man behind the legend
    of Dracula. You hanged your victims, stretched
    them on the rack, burned them at the stake,
    boiled them alive, but mostly impaled them.
    Most of your killings were politically targeted
    but sometimes you killed just because you were
    bored. Your "reign of terror" lasted
    from 1456 to 1462. Estimated numbers of victims
    vary between 30,000 and more than 100,000.
    Evil Evil man. Fie on you!

    Which Imfamous criminal are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    You come from an Ancient Civilization. Egypt,
    China, Rome... a piece of all the greatest
    civilizations of their time can be found in

    Where Did Your Soul Originate?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Current Mood: nav
    Current Music: Lacrimosa - Seel In Not

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