poromies ([info]lintu) wrote on November 20th, 2013 at 09:32 pm
protecting the environment
i remember reading this bit on gene regulation in terms of cancer -- as it turns out, the same cells (with the same dna) can cause cancerous cell proliferation in some cases and not cause it in others; it all has to do with what's going on around the cell. essentially, the environment surrounding the cell dictates whether it's going to express those cancerous genes or not. which i find very interesting.

nevaru nesalīdzināt to ar situāciju, kurā šobrīd esmu -- mainījusies mana vide, līdz ar to es arī citādi jūtos un uzvedos. mainījusies tik ļoti, tik neparedzami un tik īsā laikā periodā, that makes you wonder, hm, cik daudz cilvēkā ir to more or less nemainīgo lietu
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