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Thursday, December 26th, 2013

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    language exchange site
    Can anyone recommend a language-exchange site based on personal experience? I'm at my wit's end trying to find a tutor/language buddy for Hebrew and/or eastern Arabic, but the city I live in isn't exactly the picture of diversity. Something Skype-based would be great, with as much personal interaction as possible. If there are sites geared toward serious language learners, this would also be a plus. Any ideas?
    French recs for novels/poetry/plays/movies/music etc.
    Hi linguaphilies,

    I just started studying French. However, studying from books and courses have never been the best method of study for me because I've always been the type to immerse myself in the culture of the language I'm studying and to hear it everyday. What movies, novels, plays, poetry, or music would you recommend? Genre doesn't really matter, I'm not picky, and I really like to read. Any tips on studying the grammar & vocabulary are much appreciated.

    Thank you!

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