(bez virsraksta)

Okt. 2., 2008 | 08:08 pm

mān ir zacīte. ja tev ir zacīte, ko gan tev vēl vajag?!?

jauka šodiena. :)

un es neaizmirsu nopirkt puķītes. apbrīnojami.

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(bez virsraksta)

Okt. 2., 2008 | 10:13 pm

es ar šito gribu :D
Hans Zimmer

Are you male or female?
tia dalma

Describe yourself.
barbossa is hungry

What do people feel when they're around you?
hello beastie

How would you describe your previous relationship?
moonlight serenade

Describe your current relationship.
I don't think now is the best time

Where would you want to be now?
Drink Up Me Hearties!

How do you feel about love?
you look good jack

What's your life like?
Davy Jones

What would you ask for if you had only one wish?
One last shot

Say something wise.
Jack Sparrow

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