((Anonymous)) wrote on April 21st, 2008 at 05:52 pm
re, kas man
You don't usually get angry too easily but some things can annoy you, however you experience panic, confusion, and helplessness when under pressure or stress. You tend to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoid, large crowds. You often need privacy and time for yourself. You prefer dealing with either people or things rather than ideas. You regard intellectual exercises as a waste of your time. You do not enjoy confrontation, but you will stand up for yourself or push your point if you feel it is important, however you believe that a certain amount of deception in social relationships is necessary. You are guarded in new relationships and less willing to openly reveal the whole truth about yourself. Mostly you work towards achieving your best, although in some areas you are content just to get the job done.

diezgan precīzi, vienīgais - vai nu tā ir, ka es attiecos pret intellectual activities kā pret waste of time... tas nu galīgi neglaimo paštēlam :P

neirotiķe silaenator :)
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