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ikaruss daama la femme fatale

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Re: hmmzzzz Nov. 21st, 2004|01:40 pm

heh,mums skolaa k-kad bija jaadzied baigaa dziesminja par james dean,kjipa baigais dumpinieks :) uzr tekstinju,vareesi pareekt.
[p.s. rakstu tiiraa engflish,savaadak nevareesi saprast]

James dean,james dean,
i know just what you mean
james dean,james dean,
you said it also clean
and i know my life whould look alright,if i could see it on thee silver screen
you were to lowdawn rebel if there ever was
even if you had no cause
blah blah blah
we'll talk about a low-dawn refrigator
you were just too cool for school
soch hop soda pop basketball and auto shop
the only thing that got you off was BRAKIN' all the rools
you were too fast to live, too young to die, bye bye
blah blah blah
:) nju ar melodiju tas izklausaas reeciigaak.
bet vispaar. taa jau ir ar mums visiem- tuu faast tu liv, tuu jang tu dai
: )
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