apkopojums - 12. Augusts 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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12. Augusts 2012

A lesson in psychology. [12. Aug 2012|08:35]
[Mūzika |frank ocean - lost]

Try to see all these in real life, and a good example on one of that is your own self.

When a person laugh too much even on stupid things, that person is sad deep inside.
When a person sleeps a lot, that person is lonely.
When a person talk less, or he/she talks fast, that person keeps secrets.
When a person can’t cry, that person is weak.
When a person eats in abnormal way, that person is is tension.
When a person cry on little things, that person is innocent and soft-hearted.
When a person gets angry on silly things, that person is in love.
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