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Lat - Nor land

About Latvia

Hey! So now we are in Norway are supposed to write what we know and think about your country. I have to admit that I don't know much about Latvia, but I'll try to tell a bit of what I've heard. If you want, I would appreciate that you comment my message and tell me more about your country.
Okei. Now I'll try. Latvia is in Europe and it boards Estonia and Lithuania. I've heard a lot of Estonia and that country I thought sounds more sad and poor. I think you in Latvia have more money and a landscape there is more manifold. You have more farms in Latvia and bigger places. I think you're not so poor as many say, but what do I know?
I've heard about that many travel to Latvia on Holidays and sometime I want to go there, too. I like to see other countries and how other people live. So one day you'll se me ;) I want to know more about Latvia, so if some of you would comment my message and tell me something about Latvia, that would be nice. Can you tell me a bit about the farming, music, landscape and how you usually live in Latvia? :)
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