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Lat - Nor land


The first thing I think about when I hear the name “Latvia” is, flat landscape, big lakes. The people in Latvia are not so poor, but they don't have so much money as an average person in Norway has, correct me if I am wrong. I think it is very green there in the summer. the cities are big, with a lot of pollution. I have heard that, yodel is your folk music? I don't know actually. In Latvia there is many fishers who fish in the big beautiful lakes. And pull up big trouts and salmon.

And then I have some questions for you.

How is the price-level in Latvia ? How much do you spend for a sweater or pants for example?

How is the agriculture in Latvia? Is it big compared to Norway? How big are the tractors you use in your country?

Are the women in Latvia pretty? Are they as pretty as the women from Norway?

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