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Plans for the summer 2010.

My plans for this summer.

Summer is the warmest season, when sun is shining and birds are singing and last but not least important thing is that we all have a summer break from school. I don’t have big plans for this summer, but my prediction is that this summer will be one of the best of my whole life because: I will look in your future. Just kidding. :D
1) First, I am going to visit my brother in London (this is something that I am planning to do for so long) and I’m so excited that I can barely breath or talk about it, because I have always wanted to go there. London is my future home and when I will be there, I will definetly feel like home. It’s my dream to go there and in this summer my dream will become a reality. I want to go there so badly that I could just go right now. :D
2) Secondly, I am going to visit Stoholm for the very first time, too. My parents really want to go there, but I’m not sure about this road trip yet, because the most important thing to me is to see my brother in London, but I think they are probably right and I will go with them and see this beautiful city.
3)Maybe (I’m not sure yet) I will visit my middle school classmates.
4) Then I will probably visit my cousin ( we always laugh so hard, that or faces turns red and we can’t breath for couple of seconds ).
And now I will ask you to close your eyes and imagine that it’s another hot and lazy summer day and you sleep in your hammock and feel the slight breeze in your hair…
Now open your eyes and remember this - You've got all the time in the world, just dont waste it, so go out and do something fun and exciting for once. For example, rent golfcarts and race your friends on them. :D Yes, it is a crazy idea, but when you put your mind to something, you will figure out what is best for you to do in this summer or in any kind of life situation.
I know sometimes it’s hard to think about activities what you could do in summer, so here is some crazy ideas for your summer, that I found on the Internet site :
1)show up at the wrong house, pretend it’s your friends house (thats you've never been to) and just go right in and pretend everything is normal;
2) try to make a world record ( I have always wanted to do that :D);
3) throw a party ( for example, sleepover party);
4) go paintbaling;
5) try to beatbox ;
6) play Water Balloon Fights;
7) go go-karting;
8) have a picnic on a roof;
9)take a midnight swim;
10) go around town getting random people to sign your t-shirt;
11) have a cake/pie fight;
12) jump in the pool with your clothes on;
13) hang out with friends;
14) play a prank on a brother or sister;
15) watch scary movie with your grandparents;
16) go camping in your backyard;
17) play mud volleyball;
18)stay up for 24 hours;
19) play bowling or go to a pizza place with your friends;
20) volunteer at the local animal or homeless shelter;
21) take self defense class (if you want to learn how to protect yourself);
22)Mightime Glow PaintBall shooting/Water Balloon Fighting (fill guns with glow in the dark paint or fill water balloons and make a game of it at night;
23) go Rock Climbing;
24) have a dance off;
25) make a music video.

Well, I must finish – my brother is in Latvia and we want to watch a movie. So, forget all of your worries and have a great summer. :)

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