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My plans for the summer.

I do know about something that I have planned to do, but our summer vacation is nine weeks long, so if I'm going to fill it up with things to do, I have to do a lot of planning!
First of all I'm going to work at Burger King Gjøvik, and at Gran Gård. And in the middle of all the working I'm going to Hanestad, Bergen and Børste. Hanestad is a small place east in Norway. I's a summercamp there. My best friends sister works at the camp, and the camp is in their family. The 11'st of August Iron Maiden is having a consert in Bergen. See you there!! :D
My family is close to another family that own a cabin in Brøstdalen. I've been there every summer for as long as I can remember!
I'm also going to spend a lot of time playing volleyball, being with my boyfriend and swimming. And of course, I almost forgot swimming and riding with "my" horse. :) I'll try to enjoy the summer every day. I can't stand cold weather.

Silje R.(Norway)
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