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Lat - Nor land

Hello Latvia!

As you see the topic for this time is: «My summer plans» Exiting if you ask me! :D

This summer my plans will not be something big. You see, I have a summerjob as a farm manager. Well, not a farm, but on a horse breeding farm. It's very exiting and I learn a lot about the horse's natural behavior. I make some money to my second year at school, if I choose to go to school next year. I kind of sick of school, and I want to start working, but that's an other story.

My job is in Stavanger, whitch is 8 hours away from home, so i don't see my parents a lot. I miss them, but i know i have to be strong for my own sake. But my boss is a very nice lady, who always helps me along on my road of learning. I'm not complaining, but my summer isn't my free time, it's my working time. I don't get the oportunity to spend some time with me friends, because I'm always working, but when I can take my horse for a long tripp I feel free as a bird in the wind. Nothing can control me, but after the trip a have to go back to work.

Exept from smal opportunities of being alone, I like my job! The horses likes me, and all the other farm animals too. I think it's because I give them food, you kind of make a bond between a animal and a human, through the abdomen.

Hope you all have i nice summer in Latvia! Thank you for reading.

¤ BK ¤
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