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Plans for the summer 2010

Plans for the summer 2010.

my plans for this summer is not really plans but traditions, we have to harvest all our grass into our silo, to feed the cows with in the winter. It is a lot of work, and a lot of tractor driving. I enjoy tractor driving but, it can get to much. Often my uncles and my aunts, and my cousins visits us and help us on our farm.
This summer it is a little different, because one of mu cousins are getting married, so I look forward to that.
Other plans I do plan for my self is to have an moped holiday with some friends, we plan to ride moped to our summer mountain farm( who is not used as a farm anymore). And overnight there for a while. We did the last year too, but It became just work for me, because 2 of our mopeds broke down so I had to repair them. Anyway I look forward to the summer, it is so much easier to just go outside with the clothes you wear, than put on jackets, gloves and hats. But I will also miss the winter, and I will look forward to next winter.
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