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Summer of 2010

Actually, I don't know exactly what I'm going to do this summer. My family and some relatives use to travel to the Southern every year. Last summer we were in Crete, an island in Greece. That was very funny, but this summer we're not going to travel that far. Maybe we're going to travel to a nice city in Norway with some friends.
Other plans I have for the summer are horseback riding, go swimming, eat a lot of ice-cream and just enjoy the sun. Me and two of my friends are planing to stay at a cabin for a week or two. We're going to barbeque, and just chill out.
I'm also going to train. I like long running-trips in te forest, and me and my dad use to go skiing in the evening (ski with wheels off course). I also like fishing, but I don't think we're going to do that very often. Unfortuanetly, my family doesn't like it. But I think we're going on a mountain-trip. I'm really looking forward to the summer, and I hope it'll be nice weather!

Guro Stutlien
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