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This summer I`m going to be much outside in the sun, take a bath in the river and spend much time with my friends.
Maybe I`m going to work with cows on the mountain, milk them or take care of them.
I hope I will find some thing I can work with so i can earn some money in the holliday, I can work little on the farm with my dad, but I need some more.
I know that I will use much
time on my horses, train dressage and swim with them in the riever, I also take ride trips on the mountain.
I hope that I can travel some where, maybe to Spain or Bergen with the family or my boyfriend.
It have to be nice weather, with much sun, I have got the Tractor licence and like to drive, it is so fun to drive around to friends when i want.
I thin maybe i`m going to miss the school, or after the school time, with all the people in the school, and I know that when the school starts again it`s someone that is finished on thes school, and it is new people to get known with.

Gunvor (Norway)
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