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summer of 2010

Hi, everyone, out there!!!

Summer... isn't that all a student can dream of, long and warm holidays that you spend with friends and family, pats and travelling and so on.
I can't wait for the summer. I'm very excited, because I'm going to travel. I'll be visiting Netherlands and Germany, and maybe Switzerland.
In Germany I want to go to Munich, I've bin there ones just for few hours, because I didn't have more time,I didn't see much.
All that time I was there, I spent at arts galleries, but still I hadn't enough, so this summer I'm going to go there with my boyfriend, to see the amazing art, that goes from antique Greece till nowadays.
I just cant wait to see the works of P.P. Rubens, Leonardo, Dali and van Gogh and others.
I am very much into arts: designs, paintings, music and so much more.
So, this summer will be the best I could have,
because later on in life I don't get to have school holidays for 3 month and free time with no worries, and an open mind about things that are going on in this world.
I thought, that I just might enjoy it, now while I have it all.
Well I don't have much money, but I can live with that, because I'm school student and in museums I don't have to pay anything, and I don't eat much more then an apple in sunny day, and I don't mind to sleep on kitchen floor.
So, summer here I come, you better watch out.

Marija Janneke (S)
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