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Re: Free time activities

Hi Heidi!
Thanks for choosing me!
At first I would like to tell you that I love Christina`s Aguilera`s song "Hurt". Especially that what she whanted to tell with this song. There is a deep meaningt about her father and it is touching. So now the thing you asked me:
-Actually I haven`t my favorite music style, I just can`t choose one. I think, I like popmusic and lyrical music. It depends on my mood at the moment when I hear the song for the first. And I love music, which isn`t created at the last years but it`s quite old, classic and still popular.
-I can recommend you Judith`s McNaught`s book "Whitney, My Love". It`s bestseller. I`d never read a novel like that. It`s very thick that`s true, but if you are a book lover, you could like this book.
-I`m quite good at running - not for short distances, but for long - ones. Hmm... I don`t know... But I know that I`m really bad in any sports releted to ball. It`s a little bit about me, now you could tell me something about you, maybe something about music bands in Norway.
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