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My name is Emils and I tell you about my free time activities and hobbies. I don’t like sit all day in home. It’s so boring. I am active!
Firstly about my free time activities. Of course, me like teenage like go to the party’s and dissipate. I like almost style music, but dominance rock. In free time after school I go to the gym. Actually I am very athletic and in gym I practice with body building. I go to the gym almost 3 years. The progress is normal but its so heavy work. When I have holidays, I like hiking in backwoods. As also I like survival in forest and survival as such. That require from you sinew and whopping psychological preparedness. If you have affright from darkness, stay one in forest and not to be bodily ready, don’t understand nothing from map or survival in outdoor force – unadvised you to tray. Asset more than year I go to “Jaunsardze”. “Jaunsardze” is our state organized teenager interest and educational system where we to acquire Latvias military history and acquirement in military stuffs. Not long I to engage in military close combat system “Kadochnikov”. In this fighting club we learn Latvias military history, hit tactics as also “Kadochnikov” close combat.
Secondly about my hobby. My hobby consistently is sport, survival tactic, military stuffs and close combat you think. It’s correct, but also my hobby is history and political machine. These both the parties are similar. I have good collection stuffs of World War 2 and money collection.
That’s all about me. If you have a any questions just ask me.

Emils (S)
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