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My spare time

In my spare time I like to be a lot of activity, I like to do a lot of different thinks. I especially like to play football, but also training in general. Often I train every day, at least as often as I can. I play football for FK Toten, something I really like. My team has just won the series we play in. Football is fun and football is challenging, therefore I have decided to go sports bar for even more training and to developing me as a footballer. So far I am also very pleased with the sports bar. It is not just theory, and subjects all the time, but also a lot of activity. Therefore, this fits me very well.

When I am not training, I like to do something with my friends, do something on my computer, or just sit at home to watch a movie and relax. I also like listening to music. I listen to music almost around the clock. When I train alone, I also listen to music. I like a band called In Flames very good. It’s a heavy metal band from Sweden. There are many who disagree with me, but I think it’s good music.

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